Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nananananana PAC MAN!

In a city of mazes...
menaced by a puck-shaped ...
eating ...
Five ghosts must overcome their fear of fruit...
And join together...

Wait. What do you mean that's not the plot of Pac Man? Then what are the ghosts for? They're the bad guys? There's only four of them?
Well this is awkward...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nerd Gathering Anyone?

So, as you've probably figured out from Twitter, I've found a somewhat better way to sell my dolls that in no way involves my backpack (unless I choose to make it so). That's right everybody! I am now vending! At conventions! With nerds! And Stuff!
Ok, so here's how that came about:
I went to DRAGONCON (more about that wonderful, exciting, nerdtastic, awesomeness later) and I was just so flawed at how excited I (and everyone else) was at all the stuff that was everywhere. I wanted all of it, but my funds were limited and everything was expensive.
Then I went to the artist room. The rooms were lined with a lo of really expensive art, but if you looked closely at a few of the pictures at the booths there were a lot of $1-$10 prints.
Needless to say, I bought a lot of art.
It was so cool to come home and actually have souvenirs from my trip that I decided that I wanted to be that person with a table full of really cool reasonably priced items. Thus, I sent a message to a friend of mine who runs an Airship (just google Steampunk, ok? Please?) and we worked out a deal so that I could join their vending table.

Then this thing happened.
This thing that happens to a lot of people after they attend large conventions.
This thing that is feared in all of the nerd world.
This thing called ConCrud.
Guys, I spent an entire weekend curled in a ball, wishing my nose would just run away so I could stop blowing it all the time.
However! I am never to cease productivity and during that time I managed to make about 13 keychains, all of which have been packed up and sent to Pensacola for the weekend. Here's a picture of them:
They're very happy to be in a small-giant dogpile
Note from the future: This was an awesome idea