Friday, February 10, 2012

Get Out of My Teacup

So, like any socially deprived teenager who used to be homeschooled and therefore had to acquire strange hobbies, I spent my Christmas vacation coming up with new doll designs. There were two reasons for this:
1) It was the most exciting way I could think of to pass the time.
2) I wanted to build up some stock, so that when people started ordering dolls I wouldn't have another 6-Dolls-Due-In-4-Weeks freak out like I did in November just before finals (Freakin College Finals, I might add).

One of the dolls I designed over vacation was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
Here's a picture:
Aww, isn't she pretty?
I was also really grateful to have a use for my bowl sized teacup that my grandmother gave me for Christmas five years ago (seriously, she gave me an over-sized teacup; it's too weird for me to make up).
I think she's pretty adorable, but if I could have a do-over I don't think I would try to give her shoes straps. They look a little off in person.

That's all for today. I'd apologize for my short post, but I'm sure none of you really wanted to spend over an hour reading about my cute little doll (especially since there was no music this time around...)

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