Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sha La La La

If you're wondering why there's been a sudden upswing in the ammount of posts I...uh...post, then the answer is simple.

I need a way to cope with Macro Economics.
No really, not only am I going to fail my test next week miserably, but I now have to buy caffienated beverages to stay awake.
I've never actually dozed off in a class before this one.
I hate it.

So I thought you guys might like to see an updated version of that Ariel doll I posted a while back.
Here she is:

I love her bangs. When I figured out how to make them look good I thought I'd died and gone to heaven, because anyone who's seen my Rapunzel dolls (Coming Soon To A Blog Near You) knows that bangs are the bane of my existance.
In my first Rapunzel doll I tied her har to the back of her scalp to give her the right look.
It was bad.
Also, good news!
I didn't take this picture in the middle of the night on a nasty kitchen floor and therefore I didn't have to spend countless hours trying to draw a cute little background to disguise a crushed chip.
It was heavenly.
And speaking of chips, did anyone catch the new Once Upon A Time? Wasn't that to DIE FOR? (BeautyandtheBeastnerdIjustcan't helpit)
Anyway, see you later guys!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Get Out of My Teacup

So, like any socially deprived teenager who used to be homeschooled and therefore had to acquire strange hobbies, I spent my Christmas vacation coming up with new doll designs. There were two reasons for this:
1) It was the most exciting way I could think of to pass the time.
2) I wanted to build up some stock, so that when people started ordering dolls I wouldn't have another 6-Dolls-Due-In-4-Weeks freak out like I did in November just before finals (Freakin College Finals, I might add).

One of the dolls I designed over vacation was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
Here's a picture:
Aww, isn't she pretty?
I was also really grateful to have a use for my bowl sized teacup that my grandmother gave me for Christmas five years ago (seriously, she gave me an over-sized teacup; it's too weird for me to make up).
I think she's pretty adorable, but if I could have a do-over I don't think I would try to give her shoes straps. They look a little off in person.

That's all for today. I'd apologize for my short post, but I'm sure none of you really wanted to spend over an hour reading about my cute little doll (especially since there was no music this time around...)

Friday, February 3, 2012

My First Black Doll

Ok, so first things first, racism disclaimer: I am not racist.

Moving on.

So, I've been crocheting for roughly 7-8 months now, but it wasn't until very recently that anyone had ever ordered a black doll. Of course, I usually just make dolls and then try to unload them on people (all of my dolls are stored in my bottom drawer until a proper home is found, so it gets kinda crowded in there). When it came to black dolls though, I was terrified to attempt them.

The most obvious reason for this fear is racism. What if my dolls looked like parodies of the African American race? What if they upset people? What if human rights activist found out about my dolls and suddenly I found an ugly picture of myself on the news with the headline: "College Student Faces Charges of Hate Crime for Allegedly Misportraying Minority Group"?

Ok, that last one was a bit much, I live in the south, no one can spell "Misportraying" around here.


I really was nervous about making a black doll, but the order came and I am but a poor little college student, so I took the job. Obviously, I knew better than to use black yarn for this doll. I used a medium brown color I had laying around the house and set to work. Two days after taking the job my client decided on Tiana as the model for her doll. She also chose the blue dress, which is actually kinda sad for me, because I had hoped to make her pretty green dress from the end of the movie.

You guys need music at this point don't you?

Ok, so once we had the details hashed out (which takes 1.5 minutes before accounting starts) I could finally really get to work.
Here is the result (which I am absolutely proud of).

Cool facts:
1) 90% of Tiana was created either in or on the way to Louisiana (for those of you non-Disney fans, that happens to be where the movie takes place).
2) I got to watch Princess and the Frog as I rode up to Louisiana (I was there for Wizard World Comic Con 2012).
3) My older brother helped design her tiara
4)Tiana is my third favorite Disney Princesses (after Belle and Rapunzel).
(I thought this background had more of a 'Nawlins flair)
I hope you guys liked the doll. I have one other doll to make before I share a super awesome tutorial with you guys, but please be patient because I'm also trying to get through college, learn to sew (hopefully another tutorial for you guys), Backstage Manage a play (Ramona Quimby), keep my job (Nursery. Pray for me), and have some semblance of a social life (but really, who needs one of those?)