Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nerd Gathering Anyone?

So, as you've probably figured out from Twitter, I've found a somewhat better way to sell my dolls that in no way involves my backpack (unless I choose to make it so). That's right everybody! I am now vending! At conventions! With nerds! And Stuff!
Ok, so here's how that came about:
I went to DRAGONCON (more about that wonderful, exciting, nerdtastic, awesomeness later) and I was just so flawed at how excited I (and everyone else) was at all the stuff that was everywhere. I wanted all of it, but my funds were limited and everything was expensive.
Then I went to the artist room. The rooms were lined with a lo of really expensive art, but if you looked closely at a few of the pictures at the booths there were a lot of $1-$10 prints.
Needless to say, I bought a lot of art.
It was so cool to come home and actually have souvenirs from my trip that I decided that I wanted to be that person with a table full of really cool reasonably priced items. Thus, I sent a message to a friend of mine who runs an Airship (just google Steampunk, ok? Please?) and we worked out a deal so that I could join their vending table.

Then this thing happened.
This thing that happens to a lot of people after they attend large conventions.
This thing that is feared in all of the nerd world.
This thing called ConCrud.
Guys, I spent an entire weekend curled in a ball, wishing my nose would just run away so I could stop blowing it all the time.
However! I am never to cease productivity and during that time I managed to make about 13 keychains, all of which have been packed up and sent to Pensacola for the weekend. Here's a picture of them:
They're very happy to be in a small-giant dogpile
Note from the future: This was an awesome idea 

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