Tuesday, August 21, 2012

M is for Marriage

Guess what guys?
I'm taking Microeconomics this semester.

Guess what that means?
I'm procrastinating!


So, let's begin:

I have a friend who is getting married in a few days. I'm very happy for her and I wanted to give her a gift. The things is, wedding gifts are kind of expensive (China, cookware, formal napkins, bizarre things I've never actually seen anyone use...), so I decided to throw together a few things I thought she would like. I gave her a really pretty candle, some bath salts (not the zombie kind) and, you know, fancy toiletries. I still felt that it was missing something though, so I added my own personal touch.
I added the bride and groom.
Aren't they cute?

Now, if you've been reading this blog for any ammount of time then you know that there's always something about a doll that I have to share. There are two dolls, so there are two things I have to share.
Let's start with the groom!
My friend's groom-to-be is bald (by choice!) and well...

His doll looked like Charlie Brown in a suit.
If I had a picture I would share it. Unfortunately I don't, but just cover his little top hat with your finger and you'll see what I mean.

Now let's pick on the bride!
Actually, I can't pick on the bride because look at her! She looks fantastic! (Which is what you should always say about the bride on her wedding day, just so we're clear on these things) I can however give you a litte peep at something that makes me giggle:
That's right. She has blue shoes.

For the record, I did not intend to give her "something blue" when I made this doll. I was just stalking her wedding board on Pinterest and I saw that she had pinned blue shoes (she has a peacock theme going on). She and her fiance love their dolls though and I don't mind in the least that I used all of my white yarn on that wedding dress. Now, because I feel very much like I am about to ramble, I am going to end this blog post with a very sincere wish that these two will face their oncoming trials (the most recent of which is to sell a kitten named Rupert) together and that there marriage is not only happy but long.
Best Wishes You Two.

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