Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Parade of Cinderellas

The first time I ever made a Ciderella doll was for my friend who was playing Cinderella in a local community theatre's version of Into the Wood. It was a very funny play and I saw it three times, but after curtain call this is what I gave said friend:

This was also the first mini doll I ever made. She's just under four inches tall.
It wasn't long after this Cinderella that I made a phone call to my cousin (She's 6) and discovered that her favorite princess is Cinderella. Being an amazing cousin I was sure to send her her own doll and this was the result:

I was very proud of this doll, and it wasn't much longer that I got two orders for her from my aunt's collegues.
These are the results:

(One day, maybe I'll learn how to make these pictures post side-by-side.)
Anyway, I was desperate to make these dolls before I saw my aunt again, so I started working on them at school. A teacher saw me making them and ordered one as a Christmas present. This was the final result:
This has been the last Cinderella for a couple of weeks and I can't say it's upset me greatly. I'm excited to finally be starting (er, finishing, it took me forecer to get this post together) on a new pattern. I'll post it soon.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So, it has recently come to my attention that I'm not totally sure I know how to spell the sound that a frog makes when it croaks. Curse you onomatopoeia!
In other news...
About the time I made that beautiful Ariel doll I was also commisioned to make a frog for Mermaid-Lover's little brother.
I think he's four.
Here's his frog:
You know that story I told you about the chip crumbs next to Ariel? Well Fredrick McFrogger I had it so much worse than her, because he ended up getting propped up against the nastiest gunkiest baseboard in the entire house. We had to send him to the beach to make up for it.
Also, Frederick McFrogger I was the first doll I ever made with a mouth, because it looked weird for him not to have anything on his face.
I pretty much stopped making mouthless dolls after him.
Frederick McFrogger I pioneer in his field.
Cue: Epic music from my Music Appreciation Class:
 Yeah, guess who didn't miss that on her first college test?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Unda da Sea

Alright sing it with me now:
(Yes, I supplied you with lyrics because hello? How awkward would it be if you sang it wrong?)
Cue: Spasmodic dancing (while reading; multitask people!)

So once upon a time (a few months ago actually) I got an order from my dad's boss. His daughter absolutely loves The Little Mermaid. Clearly the girl has excellant taste, and her dad, fully supporting this excelland taste, hired me to make his daughter an Ariel doll. Now before all the true Disney fans come crawling out of the woodwork and nail me to the ceiling I just want to say one thing.
I know it should be purple, but pink is the little girl's favorite color.
Here's the finished project:

Now, once again this was before my dolls had mouths. I still think she's adorable without it, but as soon as I'm done with this blog post I will start my second Ariel doll and she actually will have a mouth.

The other thing I want to adress is her fabulous little background that I obviously designed in paint.
Funny story.
You see, I took the original picture of the doll on my kitchen floor in the middle of the night. Why? Because the doll was due the next morning and I'd only just found my camera. Unfortunately, it being extremely late and the only illumination coming from that blinding flash my camera gave off I failed to see the crushed chip crumbs laying mere inches from poor Ariel's head. When I finally glanced at the picture a few days later I realized what I had done and paniced. Then I reopened it in paint, and painstakingly colored that picture in such a way that it altered nothing on the doll itself. Yupp, that's right I zoomed in at 400x took that stupid little pencil app and made sure that not a single red microfibre was doodled over.
I am dedicated!
What's that? the songs over? Well then, now you have to stop your spasmodic dancing, get on youtube and find a new song (preferably Disney related) and start all over again!
Until next time my dears!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Charlieissocoollike

For those of you living under a rock (or those lacking in friends with obsessions for a certain Brittish boy) there is a Youtube channel called Charlieissocoollike. One time Charlie dyed his hair red.
It wasn't long after this that my friend got me hooked on Charlie and now he is a doll.
This was my first doll with shoes, and that little white thing on his shirt? It's a beaker.
No really.

Forget you.
Anyway, this was long before my dolls had mouths.
Here's a Charlie doll after they got mouths:

I'm much happier with his beaker in this doll, but I kinda really hate his hair. A lot. Oh well he's still cute.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Amigurumi

I started crocheting over the summer. I don't know why, but I did. The first thing I made was a really bad headband that increases and decreases at random points.
I won't show pictures.
Despite the fact that it's incredibly badly made I still wear it. In fact... I'm wearing it now. After the really bad headband though I wanted to make a doll. I don't know why I thought I had the mad skills to make a doll, but um... it happened.
I made it for my friend who really likes anime. Specifically, she likes Ouran High School Host Club, so I modeled her doll after the main character, Tamaki.

Here's what he looks like:

So I found TheGoldenJellyBean's tutorial for Sackboys on Youtube and after spending about a week learning how to crochet circles I spent several days making my doll. My first day lasted until 4am and I learned that adding hair takes forever.
Here's my finished project:
Isn't he cute? Anyway, I'm quite impressed with my first attempt at a doll; he was a bit bald though, so minutes before I handed him off I added quite a bit of hair to his head.

End transmission!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hey Look A Blog!

So, I just thought I would make a nice site where I could display my projects. Right now I'll probably just post pictures of my amigurumi (crocheted dolls) projects, but I might branch out into other things. For instance I desire very much to sew, but I lack the know-how even to follow patterns. This hinders me greatly. I also intend to use this site as a sort of online catalog for my potential customers. (I happen to sell a lot of my amigurumi in order to pay for my college tuition.) Thank you for stumbling upon my blog and I hope that you vastly enjoy yourself as you read about the perils of my DIY life.

This could be interesting...