Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Parade of Cinderellas

The first time I ever made a Ciderella doll was for my friend who was playing Cinderella in a local community theatre's version of Into the Wood. It was a very funny play and I saw it three times, but after curtain call this is what I gave said friend:

This was also the first mini doll I ever made. She's just under four inches tall.
It wasn't long after this Cinderella that I made a phone call to my cousin (She's 6) and discovered that her favorite princess is Cinderella. Being an amazing cousin I was sure to send her her own doll and this was the result:

I was very proud of this doll, and it wasn't much longer that I got two orders for her from my aunt's collegues.
These are the results:

(One day, maybe I'll learn how to make these pictures post side-by-side.)
Anyway, I was desperate to make these dolls before I saw my aunt again, so I started working on them at school. A teacher saw me making them and ordered one as a Christmas present. This was the final result:
This has been the last Cinderella for a couple of weeks and I can't say it's upset me greatly. I'm excited to finally be starting (er, finishing, it took me forecer to get this post together) on a new pattern. I'll post it soon.

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