Wednesday, January 23, 2013

And Then She Felt Thwarted

You know that moment when you realize that your favorite fabric store has a coupon for 50% off any regular priced fabric item? It's a good feeling isn't it? Actually, seeing as that's pretty much the best deal this store is going to have ever, it's a pretty freakishly awesome feeling.
So naturally, I was really excited (especially because I'm doing so horribly with this whole sticking-to-the-budget thing). I mean, my coupon count is at one. One! My mother would be ashamed if she knew.
She's not going to know though because absolutely none of you are ever to speak of this anywhere but the comments section.
Back to my story:
So I printed off my coupon (which is way more trouble than you will ever know, because the Hancock's sales ad refuses to be printed properly). I drove to the store (and by "I drove" I mean "my dad drove me" because SATAN DOLL HAS NOT RETURNED MY BILLFOLD). I walked inside, ignored several sales ads, and headed straight for the lining material. That was all I was buying today. Lining material.
Except guess what?
Those sales ads I ignored?
They were important.
Lining material was on sale.
Meaning it wasn't regular priced.
Meaning my coupon wouldn't work.
I mean, sure, it was 50% off, but still!
I felt betrayed.
My personal liberties had been taken from me.
It was awful.
Also, now my coupon count looks exactly like it did last time.
Hate it.
 (Also, I bought 3 yards of the stuff. That way, I have enough for my skirt and my corset)

So here's the latest:
Money Spent: $5.26
Money Left: $23.19
Coupon Count: 1 

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