Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Watcha Doin?

Oh, I have posted in a while? Let me fill you in:
Pepe' the Pepto Bismol Pink Monkey:

Yoric the Dragon I Knew Well:

The Thing:

The Hulk:

Sally the Scarecrow/Doll/Zombie/I Don't Even Know What:

Zero the Cutest Dead Dog Ever (Sorry, Scraps):

Jack the Pumpkin King:

Now, if all the voices in my head could maybe back the freak off, I could maybe find time to study for my finals?
Yeah, I didn't keep a straight face either.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who The Hell Is That Supposed To Be? Pt 3

It never end does it? Usually, it's just people over the age of fifteen who can't figure out what it is I've made, but recently it was an honest to goodness child who couldn't figure it out. So, who's up for another round of your favorite fake game show and mine:
Who the Hell is That Supposed to Be?
The rules are simple: I'll show you a picture of my latest creation, then I'll pretend I'm you and post your best guesses, at the end, after you have failed miserably to figure it our I will shove the answer down your throat, so let's begin!
First up, the doll:
Aa~nd now the guesses:
This one's easy! It's Sleeping Beauty!
What do you mean "Nope"?
I mean no. It's not Sleeping Beauty.
But her dress is pink!
Lots of dresses are pink.
No. Shut up. You're wrong. Next contestant!
It's Odette from The Swan Princess!

But she's blonde!
I'm sorry?
She's blonde! That means she's it!
Stop arguing with me I actually know the answer!
I will sue you.
If I give you a consolation prize for knowing the Swan Princess' name will you go away peacefully?
Sure. What is it?
I don't have security drag you out and ban you from this blog.
Go. Now. NEXT!
You sly little geek, I know exactly who it is!
You do?
Duh! It's Princess Peach!
Wait. Really?
I got it right, didn't I?
So what's the prize?
There isn't one.
Why not?
Mostly because you're wrong.
Um, excuse me?
You're excused, please leave the imaginary platform and exit out the back.
No. There are no buts. There is only an answer and Yours. Was. Wrong. Good day.
I said good day! Are there any other contestants? There are? Do we have to see them today? Are you sure? Fine. NEXT!
Hi, my name is Tiffany McWrongalot and I just wanted to say how totally awesome it is-
Please just guess.
But I had a whole like, spiel and junk.
Don't care. Just guess.
It's Princess Eilonwy!
Wait. Who?
You know, this girl:
Whoa. Is that the girl from the Black Cauldron?
Excuse me?
Yes. It is.
Is that an ear piece?
A What?
You're cheating aren't you?
I don't-
I can see the headset.
Ok. Enough. Game Over. It's Cinderella guys:
I hear grumbles about how totally unfair I am. I'll address those now. It's Cinderella in her mother's dress. See?

Now be gone. All of you. We're never playing this game again. Unless I say so.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nananananana PAC MAN!

In a city of mazes...
menaced by a puck-shaped ...
eating ...
Five ghosts must overcome their fear of fruit...
And join together...

Wait. What do you mean that's not the plot of Pac Man? Then what are the ghosts for? They're the bad guys? There's only four of them?
Well this is awkward...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nerd Gathering Anyone?

So, as you've probably figured out from Twitter, I've found a somewhat better way to sell my dolls that in no way involves my backpack (unless I choose to make it so). That's right everybody! I am now vending! At conventions! With nerds! And Stuff!
Ok, so here's how that came about:
I went to DRAGONCON (more about that wonderful, exciting, nerdtastic, awesomeness later) and I was just so flawed at how excited I (and everyone else) was at all the stuff that was everywhere. I wanted all of it, but my funds were limited and everything was expensive.
Then I went to the artist room. The rooms were lined with a lo of really expensive art, but if you looked closely at a few of the pictures at the booths there were a lot of $1-$10 prints.
Needless to say, I bought a lot of art.
It was so cool to come home and actually have souvenirs from my trip that I decided that I wanted to be that person with a table full of really cool reasonably priced items. Thus, I sent a message to a friend of mine who runs an Airship (just google Steampunk, ok? Please?) and we worked out a deal so that I could join their vending table.

Then this thing happened.
This thing that happens to a lot of people after they attend large conventions.
This thing that is feared in all of the nerd world.
This thing called ConCrud.
Guys, I spent an entire weekend curled in a ball, wishing my nose would just run away so I could stop blowing it all the time.
However! I am never to cease productivity and during that time I managed to make about 13 keychains, all of which have been packed up and sent to Pensacola for the weekend. Here's a picture of them:
They're very happy to be in a small-giant dogpile
Note from the future: This was an awesome idea 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

M is for Marriage

Guess what guys?
I'm taking Microeconomics this semester.

Guess what that means?
I'm procrastinating!


So, let's begin:

I have a friend who is getting married in a few days. I'm very happy for her and I wanted to give her a gift. The things is, wedding gifts are kind of expensive (China, cookware, formal napkins, bizarre things I've never actually seen anyone use...), so I decided to throw together a few things I thought she would like. I gave her a really pretty candle, some bath salts (not the zombie kind) and, you know, fancy toiletries. I still felt that it was missing something though, so I added my own personal touch.
I added the bride and groom.
Aren't they cute?

Now, if you've been reading this blog for any ammount of time then you know that there's always something about a doll that I have to share. There are two dolls, so there are two things I have to share.
Let's start with the groom!
My friend's groom-to-be is bald (by choice!) and well...

His doll looked like Charlie Brown in a suit.
If I had a picture I would share it. Unfortunately I don't, but just cover his little top hat with your finger and you'll see what I mean.

Now let's pick on the bride!
Actually, I can't pick on the bride because look at her! She looks fantastic! (Which is what you should always say about the bride on her wedding day, just so we're clear on these things) I can however give you a litte peep at something that makes me giggle:
That's right. She has blue shoes.

For the record, I did not intend to give her "something blue" when I made this doll. I was just stalking her wedding board on Pinterest and I saw that she had pinned blue shoes (she has a peacock theme going on). She and her fiance love their dolls though and I don't mind in the least that I used all of my white yarn on that wedding dress. Now, because I feel very much like I am about to ramble, I am going to end this blog post with a very sincere wish that these two will face their oncoming trials (the most recent of which is to sell a kitten named Rupert) together and that there marriage is not only happy but long.
Best Wishes You Two.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Who The Hell Is That Supposed To Be? Pt. 2

Well, if you've been following me on Twitter then you probably know that I'm having costume problems.
I hate costume problems.
So in order to distract myself from these problems I've decided that we should play my favorite game and yours...

Who The Hell Is That Supposed to Be?

Alright our newest contestant is a bob wearing girl from the land of fantasy give it up for...
No one? Not even a clue? Come on, she's trademarked!
Like many ladies of her time, this little gal can sing! Do I have any guesses? Yes, you in the back?

Is it, Veronica?
Wait, Veronica the girl from Archie that it's impossible to find a stand-alone picture of on Google? That Veronica? You know, this girl?
Yes? Well, no. That is incorrect.
Alright, now you in the back? Yes? You think it's who? Can she even sing? You think that's her voice in the theme song? Well alright.

No, I'm sorry it is not Buttercup from the Powerpuff girls.

Is it Lucy from Peanuts?
Wow, even she looks a little dissapointed in your answer...
Alright, this is your last guess and as an added bonus we'll  date her a bit, ok? Our girl comes from the 1930s

Is it.... Betty Boop?
Uh, yeah, no.
I guess maybe if we'd laid the poor doll down in a coffin this might have been a bit easier.
See? It's Snow White! See it? See it? No? Really? Get off my blog.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who The Hell Is That Supposed To Be? Pt. 1

(WARNING: This blog post is going to be mildly racially insensitive. Deal with it.)

So, I spent the better part of my summer working on the same doll. She wasn't a particularly challenging doll. She wasn't even very original (see last blog post where I explained that violating trademarks is really the only way to go). She was, however, very hard to name.
Here's a picture of the doll:
 Now, apparently, if you're a member of my family or a friend of mine you don't have a clue who this is supposed to be. In fact, you haven't even figured out that the doll is Asian yet (I blame the button eyes, they remove the squint). Now that you've established that the doll is in fact Asian you're really confused. You're going through every Asian trademarked entity you can think of.

Is it Po?
Nah, Po has green eyes...
Is it Katara?

No hair loopies...
I got it! It's Hello Kitty!
Wait a minute... Hello Kitty's Asian????

Sadly, at this point you have realized that you've exhausted your socially acceptable claims to Asian knowledge. You are absolutely not going to admit to knowing anything about anime for fear of being labeled a social outcast. I don't blame you. You see, a mere Internet game is not worth coming out of the closet for, but I will say that in time you will emerge you beautiful butterfly you.

However, in the interest of not outing you before you're ready I am going to politely point out (fortheFIFTHTIME) that the doll that you see pictured above is none other than China/Disney's own Mulan.

Say what?
Oh, so you like everyone else of my acquaintance is unable to remember the first part of the movie in which Mulan meets the Matchmaker, destroys her chances of ever marrying a respectable man (snerk), sings a depressing song about being an embarrassment, hacks off half her hair and decides to join the army? Let me refresh your memory, during that time she was dressed like this:
I forgive you though, because after thinking about it I realized that you were all too busy worrying about Grandma's sanity as she ran into traffic. Totally acceptable. Almost.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Vague Orders

Once upon a time there was a little college student.

This little college student was struggling her way through community college by selling dolls out of her backpack. This isn't illegal so no one will ever make a movie about it. One day though, an older classmate of the little college student decided that she wanted a doll.

"What kind of doll?" the little college student asked.
"Oh, just a little blond boy. Do you think you could do that?" said the older classmate.
"Sure!" said the little college student enthusiastically, thinking of how she could stop eating Ramen noodles and maybe sample Easy Mac because of her good fortune.

The little college student went to work making the little blond boy doll, but all was not as simple as it should have been. You see, the older classmate wanted the doll to look just like her grandson (who was a baby and didn't even actually have any hair) but she didn't have a picture.

The little college student was scared because now she had expectations to live up to. This wouldn't seem so bad, but you must remember that the little college student was in a community college and that's not like the real world at all.

Terrified, the little college student went into a frenzied crocheting panic and spent over five hours rearranging the little blond boys hair. The next day at school the older classmate decided that the little blond boy needed a red shirt. The little college student forgot to ask why, but she thinks it has something to do with college football.

After over two weeks, the little college student finished making the little blond boy and gave it to the older classmate. The little college student spent five minutes that felt like an eternity hoping that the older classmate wouldn't hate the ugly hair that took two hours to attach the first time and five hours to properly style. The older classmate loved the doll very much, but laughed when she saw the pants.

The little college student will never know why, and the moral of this story is to only sell Disney and other trademarked characters, because at least you know what they look like.

The End.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Tutorial? She'll Never Post It.

So, you remember that tutorial I promised you guys way back in January? Well, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I totally freaking made one.
I spent a total of $11.95 on this, but your prices may vary depending on your location and store availability (Never forget your coupons if you go to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or JoAnn's, 40% is nothing to sneeze at).
Alright enough of that let's list the supplies and tools mkay?
20ft of fabric-based ribbon
41 ft of 3/8 inch polytubing (It's used for plumbing. Go to Lowes.)
Sewing pins
Measuring tape
1 Slender belt
Dremel (or) Drill
Sewing machine
Hedge clippers/ something to cut polytubing with
X-Acto knife (or) box cutter
Duct tape
The video is less than five minutes so if I left anything out just comment and I'll try to answer your questions. Also, I left some very thickly veiled references to what my costume might be throughout the video and I would love to hear your guesses (the costume is for DragonCon, who else is going?).  Keep watching to see if you got it right (There should be about three more videos coming soon!)
PS Anyone who catches my Disneybound can be my internet best friend all week. I hope you guys enjoy!

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Little Brony

About two weeks ago I went to a steampunk convention where I met an artist I will from this point on refer to as Scary Tattoo Guy. Scary Tattoo Guy has a lot of tattoos. And a nose ring. And a gold headless naked lady statue, but that's a story for another time. The main point is that Scary Tattoo Guy is a brony.
Here's a definition:
Brony: Guys who like My Little Pony.
Surprising fact: Scary Tattoo Guy is actually the third brony I have had the pleasure (really, there is no sarcasm here) of meeting. He was really nice and funny and I enjoyed going to his panel on steampunk art.
Enough of that though. Let's talk about the BIG mistake I made.

Here is a picture of the current Rainbow Dash My Little Pony (AKA What Scary Tattoo Guy ordered):
Here's what Rainbow Dash looked like in 2003 (Ya' know, back when Thankyouverymuchlittlesister was little an she had a million of them):
So... Here's what I made:

Ah well, I still think it looks cute, especially that rainbow butt tattoo.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Scrotz the Steampunk Cat

So... I broke my camera, but it's fixed now!

(aand since it's fixed) I can now show you Scrotz my Steampunked cat!
(Hoorah!) but first (Boo~) I want to share a bit of backstory on him. I made him steampunk because a local author challenged me to make a steampunk doll (sadly, I cannot remember her name, but by the 31st I should be in possession of her new book!). I stressed for a really long time on how to make a steampunk doll. I am, after all, not talented enough to crochet gears, but I thought a girl would be pretty easy. The thing is, I crochet a lot of girls and well... I wanted a change. I also had no freaking clue how to go about crocheting a steampunk boy. Eventually though, I came up with a brilliant idea to crochet a steampunk animal. I toyed with the idea of bunnies for a while but ultimately I settled on a cat.

This is not the point where I show you a picture.

This is in fact the point when I explain that Scrotz (my cat) is named after a physicist named Schrödinger.
Here's a video explaining the irony behind his name using stick figures:

and now that we've all had our learning experience for the day, here's a picture of my beloved Scrotz:
He does actually have a left ear (that's stage left for my theatre readers), and that yellow thing in his hand is a pocket watch not a ball of yarn (thankyouverymuchlittlesister).
I hope you have all enjoyed a glance at geek culture, and I will return with either a new post or the name of that author I mentioned earlier.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sha La La La

If you're wondering why there's been a sudden upswing in the ammount of posts I...uh...post, then the answer is simple.

I need a way to cope with Macro Economics.
No really, not only am I going to fail my test next week miserably, but I now have to buy caffienated beverages to stay awake.
I've never actually dozed off in a class before this one.
I hate it.

So I thought you guys might like to see an updated version of that Ariel doll I posted a while back.
Here she is:

I love her bangs. When I figured out how to make them look good I thought I'd died and gone to heaven, because anyone who's seen my Rapunzel dolls (Coming Soon To A Blog Near You) knows that bangs are the bane of my existance.
In my first Rapunzel doll I tied her har to the back of her scalp to give her the right look.
It was bad.
Also, good news!
I didn't take this picture in the middle of the night on a nasty kitchen floor and therefore I didn't have to spend countless hours trying to draw a cute little background to disguise a crushed chip.
It was heavenly.
And speaking of chips, did anyone catch the new Once Upon A Time? Wasn't that to DIE FOR? (BeautyandtheBeastnerdIjustcan't helpit)
Anyway, see you later guys!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Get Out of My Teacup

So, like any socially deprived teenager who used to be homeschooled and therefore had to acquire strange hobbies, I spent my Christmas vacation coming up with new doll designs. There were two reasons for this:
1) It was the most exciting way I could think of to pass the time.
2) I wanted to build up some stock, so that when people started ordering dolls I wouldn't have another 6-Dolls-Due-In-4-Weeks freak out like I did in November just before finals (Freakin College Finals, I might add).

One of the dolls I designed over vacation was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
Here's a picture:
Aww, isn't she pretty?
I was also really grateful to have a use for my bowl sized teacup that my grandmother gave me for Christmas five years ago (seriously, she gave me an over-sized teacup; it's too weird for me to make up).
I think she's pretty adorable, but if I could have a do-over I don't think I would try to give her shoes straps. They look a little off in person.

That's all for today. I'd apologize for my short post, but I'm sure none of you really wanted to spend over an hour reading about my cute little doll (especially since there was no music this time around...)